BIS Certification for Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers

BIS Certification for Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers

BIS certification is a certification of quality and safety assurance which is mandated by the Bureau of Indian Standards (Govt. of India) for several products. It ensures that products meet specified standards, promoting consumer confidence and market competitiveness.

Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers are now under mandatory BIS Certification as per the guidelines of Bureau of Indian Standards.

QCO for Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers

MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade) by consulting with Bureau of Indian Standards has issued a Quality Control Order (QCO) on 14th December, 2023 to make BIS Certification mandatory for Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers. QCOs are regulatory measures implemented by the Indian government to ensure the quality and safety of products.

Here are the points to be consider in this QCO:

  1. This order may be called the Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers (Quality Control) Order, 2023.
  2. It shall come into force on the expiry of 6 months from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette.
  • For large or foreign manufacturers, this QCO shall come into force on the expiry of 6 months from the date of publication of this notification.
  • For small manufacturers, it shall come into force on the expiry of 9 months from the date of publication of this notification.
  • For micro manufacturers, it shall come into force on the expiry of 12 months from the date of publication of this notification.

Download QCO for rubber gaskets for pressure cookers for full information.

Compulsory Use of Standard Mark

The Standard Mark (ISI Mark) issued by BIS is a symbol of quality and compliance. Manufacturers of rubber gaskets for pressure cookers are mandated to display the ISI mark on their products, signifying adherence to recognized standards and regulations.

As per the BIS guidelines BIS Certification is now mandatory for rubber gaskets for pressure cookers. Now, all the manufacturers or importers of rubber gaskets for pressure cookers must have BIS License to manufacture and sell their products in the market. If any manufacturer or importer who contravenes the provisions of this Order (QCO) shall be punishable under the provision of BIS Act, 2016.

Product covered under the QCO for rubber gaskets for pressure cookers

Goods or articles Indian Standard Title of Indian Standard
(1) (2) (3)
Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers IS 7466:1994 Rubber Gaskets for Pressure Cookers- Specification


BIS certification for products which are critical to ensuring the quality and safety of consumers is more than just a regulatory requirement; it’s a commitment to consumer safety and product excellence. By obtaining the BIS certification, manufacturers can show specified ISI Mark and CML numbers on their products which not only ensure the quality of their products but also gain a competitive edge in the market. So, whether you’re a manufacturer or a consumer, remember: when it comes to pressure cooker safety, look for the BIS mark to ensure the quality and safety.

If you are a manufacturer or importer and looking for BIS Certification for your products, look no further because you are at the right place. As the best BIS consultancy in India – Induce India provides assistance from start to end in the process of BIS certification.

For more information about the QCO for rubber gaskets for pressure cookers or BIS Certification for your products feel free to contact Induce India.

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