Impact of BIS Certification on the Construction Industry

BIS certification on the construction industry

It can be said that no business can stand in the market for longer until and unless they are honest with the audience and the products they are selling

Since there are plenty of options available today for a single product, customers won’t take more than a minute to switch brands. And this is not a good sign for any business

BIS certification covers all the areas you require, it proves that your products meet the quality and safety standards set by BIS + it builds customers’ trust + it gives you a new market to sell your products legally.

Don’t you think having a BIS mark on your product can be a golden opportunity for you?

If yes, then this article will help you understand the BIS certification, the impact of BIS on the construction industry, and how to acquire it.

BIS Certification: A Brief Intro

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certificate acts as a hallmark of quality and obedience. This mark indicates that a product meets the standard set by the Indian government. You can understand it as a stamp of approval for industrial goods. It gives an official symbol to the manufacturers known as the ISI mark. 

The product must successfully pass the BIS test and certification process, ensuring that the quality standards are met properly. Without this mark, manufacturers cannot stay for long in the market, since this mark is directly connected with the customer’s trust and safety.

How BIS Certification Impacts the Construction Industry?

As you already know the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification plays a significant role in the construction industry, impacting various components such as quality assurance and market competitiveness. 

Below is a brief analysis of the impacts of BIS certification on the construction industry.

Quality Assurance and Safety

  1. Standard quality: BIS ensures that products are manufactured without compromising the quality standards so that they can be used to build strong and durable buildings. 
  2. Safety Compliance: BIS certification also ensures the safety, the product provides. They make sure that the product reduces the risk of structural failures and enhances overall safety.

Regulatory Adherence

  1. Legal Requirements: It is mandated by law that certain construction materials such as cement, steel, and electrical fittings should be BIS certified, otherwise strict actions can be taken against the product and the business if not ensured compliance with legal requirements. 
  2. Inspection and Audits: Regular audits and inspections by BIS enforce consistent quality and safety standards in construction projects. 

Market Competition

  1. Consumer Confidence: As mentioned BIS certification builds trust among consumers, contractors, and builders. It assures everyone that your products are safe to use.
  2. Competitive Advantage: Your product can stand out from the competitors if you have an ISI mark on your product. Businesses with BIS certification gain a competitive edge in the market.

Economic Impact

  1. Cost Efficiency: Though obtaining BIS certification involves initial costs for testing and compliance, it can lead to long-term savings by reducing the risk of defects and associated repair costs.
  2. Market Access: BIS certification encourages market access both domestically and internationally, as certified products are preferred in many markets due to their recognized quality standards. 

Innovation and Improvement

  1. Encouragement of best practices: BIS standards often incorporate the latest technological advancements and best practices, that encourage innovation and continuous improvement in the construction industry. 
  2. Sustainability: BIS certification focuses on maintaining sustainability and encourages the use of eco-friendly materials. This act contributes to environmental conservation and sustainable development. 

What are the Steps to get BIS certification?

There are two ways through which you can get BIS certification for your products, first to get assistance from the best BIS certification consultant and second to follow the steps mentioned below and get it by yourself.

Step 1: Application Submission: On this site, you need to submit the application form to the BIS along with some necessary documents, which act as proof of your statements and show your honesty. Below is the list of documents required during the application form submission. 

  • Proof of Business Registration
  • Product Test Report
  • Technical Specification
  • Manufacturer Authorization Letter
  • Quality Management System Certificate
  • Trademark/Brand Registration Certificate
  • Factory Inspection Report

Step 2: Sample/Product Testing: After you have submitted your application form the next step is to send your product for testing in BIS-authorised labs. It is necessary that product testing is done in the labs by BIS, otherwise the test reports will not be considered valid.

Step 3: Manufacturing unit inspection: Usually BIS officials ask for manufacturing unit inspection to make sure that the products are manufactured by meeting the safety and quality standards set by BIS. 

Step 4: Grant of Certificate: When all the test reports are verified and BIS officials find everything satisfactory you receive the BIS certification for your products. 

This was the entire method of acquiring the BIS certification for your products, but during the document submission and collection, you may feel a requirement for guidance for which you can get help from some of the best BIS consultants in India. 

In conclusion

BIS certification is a golden ticket for many businesses looking forward to expanding their scale and dimension. Not only those but business who have just started can boost their growth by getting BIS certification for their products. BIS helps businesses a lot by proving the quality and safety of their product.

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