Electronic waste receives its official name as “E-Waste.” These unwanted useless electronic products reach their end of life cycle before or soon after becoming useless. E-waste stands as Electrical and electronic equipment with its complete or partially discarded components alongside all components together with parts and consumables which completes either the hole or portion of a product at the point where the consumer performs discarding activities or when manufacturing or repair processes turn items into rejected materials. Electronic equipment presents a higher risk because it combines the most dangerous chemical compounds with toxic metals. The dangerous attributes of electronic waste have motivated researchers to create E-waste management solutions which operate efficiently for these types of waste.
Induce India is here to provide the E-waste management rule that characterizes what actions are needed for handling electronic waste that does not have any adverse effect on the environment.
Let’s dive deep into the rules for managing E-waste along EPR that help manage the responsibility of the products for the manufacturer by getting a certificate for E-waste in India with the steps that will help you in getting the EPR authorization.
E-Waste (Management) Rules 2022:
EPR establishes a requirement for producers to reach their yearly recycling goals through the use of approved recycling facilities. The process of acquiring EPR certificates allows producers to establish responsibility for products that undergo recycling activities. All public institutions and offices must use registered recyclers/refurbishers for their e-waste disposal along with other bulk consumers.
The E-Waste (Management) Second Amendment Rules, 2023 introduced clause 4 to Rule 5 of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 to establish safe refrigerant management processes for air-conditioning and refrigeration production that remain accountable and sustainable. Under E-Waste (Management) Amendment Rules, 2024 the Central Government had the authority to create platforms where Extended Producer Responsibility certificates could be traded by Central Pollution Control Board guidelines approved by them.
The Central Pollution Control Board will determine Extended Producer Responsibility certificate prices through a maximum of 100% and a minimum of 30% of environmental compensation costs.
Download Rule of E- Waste management rule
What is EPR?
EPR stands for Extended Producer Responsibility. Under EPR the producer who manufactures electronics and IT equipment accepts responsibility to direct e-waste properly so the waste gets managed in an environmentally sound manner. Electronic manufacturers and IT equipment producers must carry out extended producer responsibility duties by capturing E-waste that emerges after their products reach their end of life.
EPR establishes that producers hold the responsibility to implement all needed measures which secure E-waste management for protecting environmental health against negative effects. Furthermore, an authorized Producer Responsibility Organization allows producers to collaborate with independent dismantlers or recyclers through a single entity.
The next section will provide a clear definition of EPR Authorization.
What is EPR Authorization?
EPR authorisation represents the CPB-supplied approval which lets the manufacturer, dismantler, refurbisher and recycler manage e-waste generation and related processes from handling to disposal.
All producers, manufacturers and dismantlers, refurbishers and recyclers need to acquire their EPR authorization from CPCB to manage EPR responsibilities based on specified implementation plans and targets in their authorizations. The authorisation process for EPR is recognized throughout India under different names that include e-waste management certificate, E-waste licence and E-waste certification together with EPR certification and EPR licence.
How to Get an E-Waste Certificate in India?
An EPR plan serves as the prerequisite for getting an E-waste certificate which must be submitted to CPCB. The process of EPR planning requires full knowledge of all E-Waste management guidelines for establishing appropriate EPR targets. A top EPR consultant should be consulted during this procedure since the process proves more complex than it initially seems. Getting an E-Waste certificate requires EPR authorization help from consultants who show you the right steps toward authorization. CPCB follows the following procedure for granting e-waste licenses.
Process of EPR Authorization:
- Creating the EPR plan together with all mandatory documents marks the beginning of the application process. Our EPR consultant will help you develop an EPR Plan together with all necessary documents that need submission to CPCB.
- The E-Waste Management Licence application needs to contain the prescribed application form together with the submitted EPR plan detail documents. The expert will prepare the required documentation and then submit your e-waste certificate application together with your assistance. Responsive departments will receive the applications with both producer details and the EPR plan documented inside.
- The application form together with the EPR plan includes detailed information which will be submitted for E-Waste Management Licence issuance. Our expert will help you fill out the necessary paperwork after which they will submit the e-waste certificate application together with your help. The eligible department will receive applications that include precise producer data and EPR plans.
- The review of an EPR plan by authorities will lead to CPCB granting EPR approval. After the approval of the EPR plan the concerned authority grants EPR authorization.
All manufacturers and deconstructors together with refurbishers and recyclers conducting e-waste collection need an E-waste certificate in India from CPCB. An import E-waste certificate stands as a requirement to establish e-waste management of electronics and IT goods within the Indian borders. Getting an e-waste certificate requires preparing the EPR plan following e-waste management rule guidelines and creating the required documentation.
If you are interested in gaining more descriptive information related to EPR Registration for e-waste management, you can visit the Induce India website which will help you get a consultation related to EPR services for E-waste management further assisting you to gain an E-certificate following essential steps.